The technology of elimination of deformations of a body depends on a kind of a warp and character of deformations of details. Dents in body and plumage panels at which metal after blow will not stretch, level expression or to pull a concave site before giving to it of correct curvature and in need of the subsequent рихтовкой the squeezed out surface more often.
Formed in the panel at the big stretching of metal сamber it is impossible to correct рихтовкой as in the course of its performance the top сamber varis bmw parts can lose stability and move on other party of sheet. This circumstance if to consider, that for elimination сamber it is necessary to besiege surplus of metal, defines a way of its editing.
Elimination of deformations in Body details parts foe bmw. For correction of dents and restoration of the form of surfaces of elements of a body use the manual tool presented to section
The big nomenclature Fix-A-Dent Auto Body hammers assumes application of this or that hammer depending on character of a dent and the surface form. A number of hammers has polished Fix-A-Dent Auto Body a part that allows to reach high cleanliness of editing, and on occasion to make elimination of damages without destruction of a paint and varnish covering.
Anvils and shaped plates serve for support of sheet during correction of a dent by a hammer. The form and the sizes of plates and anvils are executed with the account of most often meeting curvature of details of a body and give the chance to apply them at restoration of various sites of a body.
Levers are intended for correction of various dents. The design of levers and length of some from them provides their application in varis bmw parts remote places through technological windows and apertures in body details.
Form restoration кузовных details with use Fix-A-Dent Auto Body the tool. Editing сamber carry out in cold or нагретом a condition. Elimination сamber > in a cold condition is based on a metal stretching on concentric circles or on radiuses from сamber to the intact part of metal (fig. 6.1). At editing smooth transition behr bmw parts from the highest part parts foe bmw сamber to a surface of the panel surrounding it is formed. For this purpose in a direction from the metal surrounding сamber, to the curved part of a surface put a hammer a consecutive series of blows on a circle. In process of hammer approach to border сamber force of blow reduce. The more there will be a behr bmw parts number of circles on the panel at Fix-A-Dent Auto Body, the transition from сamber to the intact part of metal more smoothly will turn out.
Fig. 6.1. Elimination сamber in panels of a body without heating:
And - sites of the panel with сamber; - the scheme of a direction of blows by a hammer (are specified by arrows); / - сamber: 2 - the panel; 3 - the sites of the panel which are subject to extension рихтовкой by means of a hammer: 4 - curvature of the panel after editing сamber
Editing of the deformed surfaces on a rectilinear site of obverse panels with use of a basic plate and hammer is shown on fig. 6.2, and. Correction of deformations on details with not round surfaces carry out with use киянки and shaped plates or anvils of a special profile (fig. 6.2,). On fig. 6.2, in process parts foe bmw insignificant dents on obverse panels of a body, such as a roof is shown, to a door, a cowl, a luggage carrier cover, wings, etc. Sequence of correction of dents on the details of the body having the rounded off obverse surface, is presented on fig. 6.2, г
The considerable plastic deformation which is taking place at extension of metal for elimination сamber Fix-A-Dent Auto Body in a cold condition, increases a behr bmw parts true surface of metal on a restored site and worsens its firmness films. As a result corrosion firmness of metal worsens. Therefore editing rough (wavy, small concave surfaces) panels of bodies and plumage carry out without and increases varis bmw parts in the area of metal by means of a basic plate 2 and a special hammer 1 (fig. 6.3), having a notch on a working part. At elimination of dents by the given way metal is not stretched, and the length of the panel 3 is restored to initial forms and the sizes.
To surface restoration Fix-A-Dent Auto Body details in readily available places apply various Fix-A-Dent Auto Body tools according to curvature of a restored profile of a detail, i.e. Taking into account radiuses, transitions of bmw suspension parts various curvature and rigidity edges. On fig. 6.4 variants of use of shaped plates, anvils, оправок and Fix-A-Dent Auto Body a hammer are shown at restoration of a surface of a forward wing of a body in section А-А.
Camber elimination on a surface of a body a method of heating and fast cooling. It is based on use of processes of expansion and усадки metal, at heating and the subsequent cooling. Whereas plasticity кузовной steels at a room temperature insufficiently high, apply its heating. At heating of a soft steel to temperature nearby 800> °С (red colour) it becomes plastic and is easily deformed. There is no necessity to heat up all surface, and it is enough to choose for this purpose some suitable points.
Fig. 6.2. Restoration of the form of details with use Fix-A-Dent Auto Body the tool: and - elimination of deformations on rectilinear sites of obverse panels; - correction of deformations on details with not round surfaces (a dotted line the initial form of an original detail is shown); in - elimination of insignificant dents on obverse panels of a body; г - elimination of dents on the obverse details having the rounded off surface (figures specify sequence of drawing of blows of a hammer)
Heating of metal of camber on a body carry out a coal electrode сварочного the device (fig. 6.5,) or a flame of a gas torch (fig. 6.5,). The source of heating Most convenient for this purpose is the oxygen-acetylene torch № 0.
At heating of a point of metal by a narrow flame of an oxygen-acetylene behr bmw parts torch the small circle of metal is quickly warmed up until red and plasticity of metal thus sharply increases. As with expansion bmw suspension parts metal interferes less нагретый surrounding metal the increase in its volume occurs at the expense of a thickening. As soon as metal will be warmed up until red, the torch is taken away, and cooling begins: нагретый the metal circle becomes dark red, black and continues to be cooled further.
At cooling metal is compressed, its volume decreases, but the length nor which width did not change is kept by the cold metal located around, neither. As metal has the temperature mismatching the maximum plasticity, that, being bmw suspension parts compressed, it absorbs a small part of lengthening of surrounding metal. Process strengthening осаживания metal make reduction of speed of distribution of heat by ring creation around нагретой parts of metal from a wet fabric, counteraction varis bmw parts of deformation by pressing metal the handle of a hammer or a pipe close нагретой points, percussion of borders of a point of metal, нагретого until red, and then and most points or Fix-A-Dent Auto Body a hammer.
Fig. 6.3. Fix-A-Dent Auto Body the small deformed sites of panels:
And - the process scheme Fix-A-Dent Auto Body: - a defective site after performance Fix-A-Dent Auto Body
Fig. 6.4. Fix-A-Dent Auto Body body surfaces in a readily available behr bmw parts place (a forward wing) with use various Fix-A-Dent Auto Body tools
Fig. 6.5. Elimination of cambers on a surface of a body a method of heating and fast cooling:
And - metal heating by a coal electrode bmw suspension parts the device: - heating of metal by a flame of a gas torch; in - sequence of cooling нагретой surfaces of a body with camber
Sharp cooling нагретого a body site carry out a tampon of an asbestine mix or a fabric moistened with water. Metal cooling leads necessary a deposit and to acceptance by a surface of a body of a demanded profile. At elimination of camber of a surface of a body by the given method it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of cooling specified in fig. 6.5, century
Elimination of camber-dent by a method of heating and metal sedimentation by shock influence. At рихтовке heating and percussion quickly bring a torch to the camber centre, warm up it and take away a torch as soon as parts foe bmw until red the stain will reach diameter bmw salvage parts no more than 10 mm at a thickness of metal of the panel of 0,6 0,8 mm. At heating it is necessary to watch, that metal has not behr bmw parts begun плавиться. If work carry out alone a torch put aside, and under sheet place a manual anvil almost under defect. Quickly tap not reddened metal around нагретой points, and then нагретую a point while metal still remains dark red. It is preferable to perform this work hammer.
At Fix-A-Dent Auto Body a hammer-gladilkoj force of blow should be small not to create a stretching of metal instead of усаживания. If camber small, enough one point. Work consider finished only when varis bmw parts metal will cool down to an ambient temperature. To cooling acceleration apply the fabric moistened in water. If it is necessary to carry out additional dot heatings it is necessary to do them no more than two, three between each cooling.
After cooling нагретого sheet spend thin Fix-A-Dent Auto Body tempo a site to level a surface of metal which had before deformation.
For elimination of extensive camber (dent) of a surface of a body metal preliminary heat up (fig. 6.6,) in a place of prospective blow. Sedimentation of extensive camber of metal carry out on a basic plate with parts foe bmw the help hammer bmw salvage parts (fig. 6.6,), and dent elimination - with use of a hammer and a shaped plate (fig. 6.6,). The sequence of preliminary heating and drawing of blows at elimination of extensive cambers (dents) depends on the camber form. If camber round points of blows 1-4 have on a spiral in a direction from periphery to the centre and if camber long and narrow points of blows 1-16 have narrow numbers (fig. 6.6,).
Elimination of dents in remote places of a body. Elimination of such dents make by means of levers, basic plates and the special adaptation of shock type.
Correction of dents on obverse surfaces in a zone of an arrangement of amplifiers make by means of the levers which choice depends on bmw replacement parts an arrangement and character of a dent. On fig. 6.7 schemes of editing and examples of correction of elements of bodies with use of levers are resulted. The dents located under amplifiers, eliminate flat levers. and rigidity edges on open sites restore by means of varis bmw parts basic plates and a special chisel. Заломы and dents of panels of doors, and also wings correct levers, using as a support internal elements of panels of a cowl, doors, a mudguard guard etc.
Elimination of deformation of the panel of a threshold (fig. 6.8) make its opening, editing, and welding. On fig. 6.8, and, receptions of opening of a threshold are shown. To opening apply a drill, a drill or an integral vertical drill, a chisel, the lever and a hammer. Editing of the deformed panel of a threshold and restoration of its form make the lever-clip and Fix-A-Dent Auto Body a hammer. the restored bmw replacement parts panel of a threshold carry out a hammer with use of a basic plate as support. In summary carry out welding of the external panel of a threshold with an overlay varis bmw parts and the floor panel
Superficial flat dents sometimes manage to be corrected, not opening the latent cavity. For this purpose in the deepest part of a parts foe bmw dent drill an aperture in diameter of 6 mm through which insert the bent end of a core and extend a concave part of the panel before its normal position. Then an aperture fill with solder or bmw suspension parts
Fig. 6.6. Elimination of extensive cambers (dents) on a surface of a body a heating method in a combination to shock influence: and - metal heating; 6 - camber sedimentation parts foe bmw on a plate; in - elimination of dents by a bmw replacement parts hammer on a shaped plate; г - sequence of heating and metal sedimentation at elimination of cambers (dents)
Elimination of deep dents spend the adaptation of shock type. The adaptation consists of a shock hammer, moving on directing core , bmw auto parts and coming to an end with the handle with a persistent platform. Working body is the complete set of the replaceable tips intended for correction of dents on panels of a body. Replaceable tips connect to an adaptation core a carving.
Quality assurance Fix-A-Dent Auto Body carry out visually or palpation parts foe bmw of a controllable surface by a hand palm. Visually convex or concave parts for bmw cars surfaces by their viewing under a corner or sideways are most easily supervised. To the control of flat surfaces apply rulers. At palpation the slightest roughness is felt as a hand palm.
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